Oscar Alvarez Pardo
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In my watercolors, after years of dedication and learning to master this so difficult medium , there is an initial stage devoted to a hard work essentially realistic... mainly portraits and seascapes become a constant in my work. In what could be a second stage I begin to introducer the fantasy in my paintings, realistic work alternating with others of fantástco court. Today I also use acrylics, guoache and inks, and continue alternating realism with fantasy. Sometimes I use lines to wrap up the figures in my paintings, to descriptive and emotional reinforcement. When I work on my paintings i try to convey the same emotions that inspire to me (tenderness, romance, loneliness, etc ..) Artists like Edward Hopper and Steve Hanks have influenced my work. I have had exhibitions in different cities in Spain: Zaragoza, Huesca, Barcelona, etc ... and part of my work is in private collections (Spain, Francia, Bélgica, China, GB, Australia, EEUU, Canadá).
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